Albuquerque International Sunport, City of Albuquerque
Runway 8 and Runway 12 converge at the northwest corner of the Sunport airfield and were accessible by the common entry point off of Taxiways E1 and A1. Lapses in situational awareness by pilots caused several runway incursions at this location, which resulted in a “Hot Spot” designation by the FAA. The hot spot was mitigated by realigning Taxiway E1 and eliminating that entrance to Runway 12. The project was designed and an FAA grant captured in the summer of 2017 with construction completed in the spring of 2018. Construction phasing was critical because the project required the closing of both Runway 8-26 and Runway 12-30 simultaneously, leaving only one runway available at the Sunport. The Runway 8-26 closure was concurrent with the Runway 8-26 Rehabilitation project.
Scope of Work
Airport Engineering, Grants/Funding
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