Albuquerque International Sunport, City of Albuquerque
Phases A&B: $10,257,000
Phase C: $8,327,000
The reconstruction of Taxiway A was designed as one project but FAA funding limitations required breaking the construction into two separate phases. Phase A and B were constructed in 2014 and Phase C was constructed in 2015. The existing asphalt pavement was in poor condition with severe cracking and rutting. Moisture stains on many of the cracks along the alignment indicated pumping was occurring and moisture had reached the subgrade. Taxiway A is the full length primary parallel taxiway to Runway 8-26. Molzen Corbin worked closely with the Aviation Department and FAA to develop a construction phasing plan that was flexible to accommodate FAA funding while maintaining aircraft access to KAFB aprons from the airfield.
Scope of Work
Airport Engineering, Grants/Funding
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