2.5 Miles of Water Lines
895 LF Horizontal Directional Drill"
AWSD sought Molzen Corbin’s assistance with providing potable water for an area of Dona Ana County that was being served by both an aging, inadequate water system and wells that had gone dry. Many residents had resorted to hauling potable water to their homes. The challenge in bringing water to this area of the county was crossing the Rio Grande River. The Molzen Corbin team installed nearly 2.5 miles of PVC waterline for this project. To cross under the river, the team employed a horizontal directional drill of approximately 895 linear feet of fusible PVC waterline. Ultimately, the water service was extended to Gadsden High School and 30 residential customers, including five hydrants and connections for future growth.
Scope of Work
Water, Grants/Funding, Construction Observation/Administration
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