Belen Eagle Tank


City of Belen




750,000 Gallon



The City’s 1-million gallon welded-steel water tank was old and in poor condition. Molzen Corbin prepared a Water Master Plan which, among other improvements, recommended replacing the existing tank with a smaller tank more suited to the expected storage needs of the City. Due to site constraints, the old tank was demolished and removed before the new tank could be constructed. Molzen Corbin worked with City operators to develop a plan for maintaining water service and adequate stor¬age while construction was underway. Molzen Corbin designed and oversaw construction of a new 750,000 gallon tank with a concrete ring wall. At completion, the tank was painted with the Belen High School Eagles mascot, a great source of local pride.

Scope of Work

Water, Grants/Funding, Construction Observation/Administration