Bosque Farms
1999 (Phase I)
2002 (Phase II)
47,400 LF Sewer Line
500,000 GPD
The Village of Bosque Farms is a rural community located approximately 15 miles south of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Wastewater in the community had historically been treated using on-site systems. To address concerns about ground water contamination from these on-site systems, Molzen Corbin was selected to prepare a wastewater facilities plan to determine the most appropriate alternative to address the potential threat to the drinking water in the area. The recommended alternative was to construct a centralized wastewater treatment plant and low pressure sewers to collect and convey the wastewater to the plant. The entire collection system was constructed in 13 phases over seven years.
Scope of Work
Water Resources Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Grants/Funding, Architectural, Construction Observation/Administration
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