City of Carlsbad
40 miles of 16-inch and 24-inch Waterline
(8 pressure-reducing/pressure sustaining valve stations)
$9,378,498 (Phase I)
$13,530,393 (Phase II)
The City of Carlsbad wanted to transition its primary water supply to the Double Eagle Wellfield located more than 40 miles away. When the City awarded Molzen Corbin this project, the solution proposed by a national consultant had doubled the budget from $40 million to $78 million. Molzen Corbin developed a strategy to reexamine the design criteria, realign the proposed pipeline, and reevaluate the pipeline hydraulics. Working with the Bureau of Land Management, we selected a route as close to the preferred alignment as possible while safeguarding two endangered species. Molzen Corbin took advantage of the natural topography of the shorter alignment to provide an improved hydraulic performance of the pipeline, which allowed us to reduce the pipe size. Smaller, shorter, and more efficient resulted in a total project cost of under $35 million which brought the project back into budget.
Scope of Work
Water, Grants/Funding, Electrical, Construction Observation/Administration
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