City of Carlsbad
2020 (Phase III)
31,440 LF Water/Transmission Line
5-Million Gallon Tank
$11,621,305 (Phase III)
Building on the success of Phases I and II of the City of Carlsbad’s Double Eagle Water System Improvements Project, the goal of Phase III was to extend the water supply from the Double Eagle facilities directly into the City’s water distribution system, as well as to provide water storage and disinfection facilities for water received from the Double Eagle wells. The design included approximately 21,160 feet of 24-inch water transmission line, 9,650 feet of 16-inch waterline, and 630 feet of 12-inch waterline with associated shutoff valves and air release/vacuum valve stations. The design also included a 5-million gallon ground storage water tank (prestressed concrete), a chlorination building facility, a water booster pump station, supporting electrical instrumentation, and a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system .
Scope of Work
Water, Grants/Funding, Electrical, Construction Observation/Administration
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