City of Carlsbad
2,400 GPM
Molzen Corbin completed the Phase I Design of the Sheep Draw Well 6 Project in Carlsbad, New Mexico. Construction of this $1.2 million project was completed in March 2016. This 810-foot deep well with 34-inch diameter conductor casing and 18-5/8-inch production casing was drilled in the hard rock Capitan Reef Complex. The design of this well was unique to the formation in that the production casing was suspended from the conductor casing and not held in place with a gravel pack. This well was drilled with a plumbness and alignment tolerance of less and 0.75 degrees and test pumped at 2,400 gpm for 24 hours experiencing only 29-feet of draw down. Molzen Corbin also designed the wellhouse pump and control facilities.
Scope of Work
Water, Grants/Funding, Construction Observation/Administration
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