100,000 GPD
The Village of Chama’s new WWTP features an innovative spin on a robust and reliable technology to accomplish biological nutrient removal (BNR). Biological modeling was performed to ensure that treatment basins and other design components adequately considered Chama’s challenging environmental conditions. The new WWTP is a colossal achievement – in terms of its effluent quality and its financial success. Located at the top of the watershed, the Village understands the value of clean water. Local residents, wildlife, outdoor enthusiasts, and tourists are impacted by effluent quality, but the effect extends beyond the Chama Valley to the Rio Grande and all downstream users. The Chama WWTP was awarded the top 2018 Engineering Excellence Award in the Water and Storm Water category by ACEC/NM.
Scope of Work
Water Resources Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Grants/Funding, Architectural, Construction Observation/Administration
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