City of Las Cruces
2010 (Phase IV-B)
2 Wells (3,500 GPM each)
46,500 LF water and transmission line
4.5-Million Gallon Reservoir
$931,021 (Phase IV-B)
This was a four-phase project that included various water supply, transmission, and storage improvements. Highlights included a high-capacity booster station consisting of three 1,000 GPM booster pumps, as well as Well No. 63 and Well No. 64 well house improvements, each with a capacity of 3,500 gallons per minute (gpm). In addition, Molzen Corbin designed a 4.5-million-gallon reservoir and approximately 11,500 linear feet of 18″ waterline to tie in the booster station to the existing West Mesa Industrial Park. The final phase of the project consisted of approximately 35,000 linear feet of 36″ transmission line to connect the west side system to the City’s east side Missouri system. This effort involved a crossing of the Rio Grande and numerous ditch, drain, and highway crossings.
Scope of Work
Water, Grants/Funding, Electrical, Construction Observation/Administration
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