Los Lunas
2009 (Phase II)
34,000 LF Sewer Line
$5,389,457 (Phase II)
Molzen Corbin has provided on-call engineering services to the Village of Los Lunas since the 1960s. Rapid growth and development in the community prompted the Village to engage Molzen Corbin to prepare a Sewer System Improvement Study and to design the improvements. To streamline the project, it was separated into two phases. The Phase I project included approximately 9,000-ft of gravity sewer line and a new lift station (Morris Road Lift Station) to accept nearly half of the flows from the entire Village. The second phase involved a significant amount of sewer line, the new Tondre Road Lift Station, and rehabilitation of an existing lift station. The new sewer line (over 25,000-ft) included both relocation and insitu rehabilitation using pipe bursting.
Scope of Work
Water Resources Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Grants/Funding, Construction Observation/Administration
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