City of Moriarty
250,000 Gallons and 500,000 Gallons
The City of Moriarty hired an underwater diver to inspect the condition of its two water-storage tanks (250,000 gallons and 500,000 gallons). Rehabilitation was deemed necessary, so the City selected Molzen Corbin to design plans and specifications. Molzen Corbin helped Moriarty to obtain low-cost financing from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). Molzen Corbin designed the plans and specifications so that the City could hire a contractor to drain, clean, sandblast, and repaint the tanks, and make any needed structural repairs. For the outside of the tank, the City selected a green that is one of Moriarty High School’s colors. The City provided construction observers, and Molzen Corbin performed construction management.
Scope of Work
Water, Grants/Funding, Construction Observation/Administration
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