Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
21.8 MGD
Molzen Corbin designed and helped construct extensive treatment and reuse facilities for ABCWUA. The facilities include a 21.8 MGD effluent filtration facility consisting of six basins of cloth disk filters enclosed in a 4,750-squarefoot building. The reuse water is pumped from the treatment facility to several users in the Southeastern part of the City of Albuquerque. Molzen Corbin also designed a new non-potable effluent re-use booster pump station within the boundaries of the City of Albuquerque's Puerto del Sol Municipal Golf Course. The facilities consist of a 2-million-gallon ground steel storage reservoir, a 1,730-square-foot masonry pump building, approximately 7,300 linear feet of non-potable water piping installed across the golf course, access path improvements, and landscaping improvements.
Scope of Work
Water Resources Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Construction Observation/Administration
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