Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
15kV electrical
service switchgear
Molzen Corbin designed a 12,470V arc-resistant, state-of-the-art switchgear to replace the original gear, which was installed in the early 1960s and was used for interconnection and paralleling with the Public Service Company of New Mexico. The switchgear included hardwire communications between the Feeder Isolation Switchgear (FIS) primary circuit breaker and the cogeneration system to enable the implementation of remote open/close operations. Arc-resistant gear was selected to allow operations staff to open or close a circuit breaker while standing in front of the gear with minimal personal protective equipment. The design included parallel connection to the existing gear to allow for a fully redundant system and a means to isolate the new gear for maintenance.
Scope of Work
Electrical Engineering, Construction Observation/Administration
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