1997–1998, 2011
1.1 Mile Corridor
$21.3 Million (Access Road)
$6.4 Million (I-25 Bridge Project)
$1.25 Million (Rehabilitation)
Sunport Boulevard is the "Gateway to Albuquerque" carrying traffic from the Albuquerque International Sunport to Interstate 25. Molzen Corbin designed this high profile $21.3 million, 1.1-mile, multi-lane, principal arterial to be as attractive as it was safe, efficient, and user friendly. The project included an urban diamond interchange, three bridges, retaining walls, a major storm sewer system, sanitary sewer and waterline relocations, landscaping, traffic control, signalization, street lighting, permanent signing, and construction management services. From the initial corridor study and roadway design to a new I-25 interchange and roadway rehabilitation, Molzen Corbin has worked with the City on multiple phases of Sunport Boulevard ensuring commuters have the most efficient and safest route to the Albuquerque International Sunport.
Scope of Work
Roadway Design, Drainage Engineering, Airport Engineering, Construction Observation/Administration
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