Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
21.8 MGD effluent filtration facility
ABCWUA selected Molzen Corbin to assist with rehabilitation of Wastewater Lift Station No. 85. This included changing the voltage of the lift pumps and the control panel from 208V to 480V and replacing the outdated bubbler level controls with ABCWUA standard pressure transducers. Molzen Corbin developed a phased construction sequence that allowed at least one of the two pumps to be in service during construction and replacement of the transformer, with very short outages scheduled during low-flow periods. The project also rebuilt the valve vault to accommodate new isolation and check valves. Molzen Corbin’s design improved the lift station’s pumping reliability to prevent overflows, and reduced odors by adding a carbon scrubber and a flush valve on the pumps, which reduce solids build-up.
Scope of Work
Water Resources Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Construction Observation/Administration
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