1.5 Miles (Road, Sidewalk, and Trail)
$4.0 Million
The City of Albuquerque selected the Molzen Corbin team to analyze and design improvements to one of the busiest portions of West Central Avenue. Working for the City Council through the Department of Municipal Development, we proposed vehicular and pedestrian improvements at the intersections of Central/Rio Grande and Central/Lomas/San Pasquale, and a dedicated pedestrian and bicycle connection route between the Old Town area and the Albuquerque Aquarium and Botanical Garden. Molzen Corbin worked with the public to satisfy eight different neighborhood associations and countless adjacent businesses. The final design included intersection and traffic signal and channelization improvements, sidewalk and ADA improvements, landscape enhancements, and incorporated Albuquerque Rapid Transit provisions and features.
Scope of Work
Roadway Design, Drainage, Engineering, Landscaping, Public Outreach
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